Perry Videx lists over 1,000 used dryers and parts as part of our extensive inventory of used industrial dryers around the world. We offer used spray dryers, rotary dryers, fluid bed dryers, freeze dryers (lyophilizers) and drum dryers to work in a wide variety of processes including direct or indirect, atmospheric or vacuum, and continuous or batch drying.
Save Money. Save Time. Purchase used equipment from Perry Videx for the best price and for immediate delivery. We offer refurbished, tested equipment from our modern workshop. Work with our experienced sales people who know the process.
All Categories for Dryers
Atmospheric Tray Dryers (7)
Batch Fluid Bed Dryers (45)
Conical Rotary Vacuum Dryers (17)
Continuous Fluid Bed Dryers (13)
Conveyor Dryer (5)
Double Drum Dryers (1)
Flash Dryer (4)
Other Dryers (1)
Pan Dryers (12)
Rotadisc Dryer (3)
Rotary Hot Air Dryers (7)
Rotary Kiln Dryer (2)
Rotary Multi-Pass Dryers (Heil Type) (2)
Rotary Steam Tube Dryer (4)
Rotary Tray Dryers (3)
Rotary Vacuum Dryers (20)
Sandvik Type Belt Conveyor Dryers (3)
Shelf Freeze Dryer (12)
Single Drum Dryers (3)
Spray Dryers (20)
Vacuum Shelf Dryer (19)